Ami's Fish

Someone at work (named Ami) suggested this way of preparing fish. It's light and simple (if a little messy) and certainly tasty.
If you can get it, Ami recommends using mackerel, but as we were preparing the dish in Australia, we opted to use snapper. Basically, you'll need a fairly firm fleshed fish, preferably a bit oily, and one that can handle a few spicy flavours. You'll also need a few prawns too - preferably green, but if you can only procure cooked things will be OK as long as you don't over cook them.
Firstly, prepare your fish. Head and shell your prawns, and (if using mackerel) cut your fish into steaks or good sized chunks. Place the seafood in a colander and salt generously. Leave to sit for about an hour and then rinse well.
Meanwhile, make a mix of equal parts of turmeric and chilli powder blended with lime juice to make a paste. Cover the rinsed fish with the paste and leave to sit for a few minutes while you heat some oil (peanut oil is good as it has a high smoking point) - you need enough to cover the fish. When you're ready to fry, take your pieces of fish, roll them in rice flour, and fry (in batches) until golden and cooked. Drain on paper and serve immediately.

Note, that while this is a simple dish, requiring few ingredients, ensure your extractor fan is in excellent working order and that you are prepared for cleaning up the next morning!
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