Pancake Day

Tuesday was, of course, Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday). Easter is ridiculously early this year!
While I had no intention of using up all my eggs, butter and sugar we still had to have pancakes on Tuesday. Normally, when making a crêpe batter, I do it by feel. After all, it's not complicated to crack one egg (or two), beat in some flour, and let down with milk to get the right consistency. I like to make the mix in advance and leave it in the fridge overnight.
However, I thought that actually following a recipe wouldn't kill me, and set about narrowing the field to just one.
I ended up choosing a sweet crêpe batter from Auguste Escoffier's Ma Cuisine
For two, take 70g of plain flour and mix with 30g of caster sugar and a pinch of salt. Beat in 2 eggs, a tablespoon of rum (or brandy or kirsch - and you can probably be more generous) and let down with milk. Finish with a teaspoon of melted butter and then cook.

Hmm, I guess 'disadvantage' might be the wrong word to use!
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I do wonder why people buy ready made pancakes (I saw someone buy a pack in Waitrose earlier today). Waitrose also has ready made pancake batter. Are they really that difficult to make?
For me it has to be lemon and sugar.
Ready made pancakes always look horrible - and the same goes for those bottles where you just add water or milk and shake them up!
I'm with you on the lemon and sugar ... although a touch of cream is nice too. I think the Nutella is best left for eating out of the jar!
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