Sunday, June 08, 2008

And We're Back!

Sun 8 June 2008

After 2 weeks in sunny Adelaide, we're back in Leeds and should return to normal service soon! I've got plenty of partly written posts to finish off and loads of new material so June should be a busy month for Eating Leeds. If you want to make sure you don't miss out - subscribe to the Eating Leeds RSS feed.

After something like 30 hours of flying time, and a very long, hot shower, I'm not really in the right frame of mind to start on the mammoth task of getting up to date. However, I do want to bring readers' attention to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Tesco Chicken Checkout Challenge. To cut a long story short, he has just over 2 days to raise almost £90 000 (which he's kickstarted with his own £30 000 donation) in order to get a chicken welfare resolution before Tesco shareholders at the company's AGM.

The chances are you've read about this elsewhere (for example, here's the Independent's take on things, or see The Foodie List), and I don't particularly want to start ranting about my personal opinions on either chicken welfare or supermarkets or Tesco in particular. But I would urge anyone who has an interest in any of those issues to do a bit of reading and either bid on one of Hugh's prizes or donate. Even if it's only £1.

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