The great WSET Advanced Exam has been and gone! What a relief! In many respects, not nearly as scary as I expected. Our blind tasting was a sweet white wine. I'd taken Karen's advice and completed the tasting before looking at the options. I was expecting to see 4 sweet whites listed, but was pleasantly surprised by one sweet white (a Bordeaux) and THREE DRY WINES. What a relief. So ... that's 2 marks at least out of 25 for the tasting exam!
The multiple choice section was OK too ... one question on Port I definitely got wrong and another tricky one on Vins de Pays that I fluffed, but overall I'm pretty happy with that section.
Short answer - I was expecting (I don't know why) one question worth 25 marks, so I was a bit confused to be faced with four questions worth 100 marks. Anyway, my map work paid off, as the first question was all about Bordeaux, including picking a few appellations off a map. There was also a question on Champagne (really annoyingly, I mucked up the part about which areas predominantly grow which graps), a question on wine storage, and a more general question covering a whole pile of things like matching Old World and New World wines/styles, a few service oriented questions and some vinification questions.
Hopefully I didn't fluff anything too badly - and hopefully the markers can read my writing and that I managed to cram enough information in the VERY small spaces the WSET think you need to answer the ten point questions! If anyone from the WSET reads this - please consider leaving more space for answers!!
Monday night had already been set aside for celebrating: a few games of pool, with beer, followed by a quick snack and more beer. Quite a few people ate at the Elbow Rooms, where the chips are great and the BLTs are monstrous. I ended up stopping at Wokon for noodles, where I had flat rice noodles with beef and spicy chilli sauce. While nicely spicy I was a bit underwhelmed. Perhaps I'm just very difficult to please, as both of my dining companions were really happy with their noodles, and said they'd definitely return (and I'd definitely go back in preference to Nooshi). Given that most of the noodle dishes come in at just under £5 it does represent good value for money (generous portions), so maybe I just chose the wrong combination of things. What I did like is that, in addition to their standard dishes, they also have a mix and match section, allowing you to have your own combination of noodles, meat and sauce.
After fuel, next stop was the North Bar where another shock lay in store. NO MORE JAMES BOAGS. Please don't try to sell me Coopers Sparkling as a lager ...
1. The Elbow Room, 64 Call Lane, Leeds, LS1 6DT, phone: 0113 245 7011
2. Wokon, 156 Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6LY, phone: 0113 234 6666
3. North, 24 New Briggate, Leeds, LS1 6NU, phone: 0113 242 4540
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